Multi Surface Bending Pole Kit

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Multi Surface Bending Pole Kit

The Multi Surface Bending poles are perfect for riding school arenas surfaces, and are approved by the relevant sporting bodies.

Safety - These Bending Poles have a higher impact break point than the wooden bending poles and, more importantly, when they do break they do not shear causing a sharp point that could damage a child or pony, instead they tend to buckle.

Maintenance - No painting, just wipe clean or occasionally use a PVC cleaner. 

This product appears in the following races; Junior and Senior Bending Pole Race,  Ball and Racquet Race, Tennis Ball Shuffle Race, Rope Race, Postman's Race, Grooms Race, Two Mug Race, and the Five Mug Race.


This kit has 5 Multi-Surface Bending Poles (poles and bases) and 1 plastic Baton.

Kit dimensions: 1590mm (L) x 260mm (W) 260mm (D)

Weight: 30kg

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